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Our Christmas Function will be held on 

Sunday, 12 December
at the Caloundra Power Boat Club, 
2 Lamerough Parade, Golden Beach 
11.30 am for 12 noon

More details in the upcoming MGAQ October newsletter.

The following were elected to the Management Committee until the 2022 AGM:

President: Carol Buchanan

Vice-President: Susan White

Secretary: Yvonne Hornby-Turner

treasurer: Denise Hannay

Committee Members: Anita Jackson, Donna Formosa, Roslyn Holland, Karen Downes, Kirstine Shrubsole, Craig Streatfield.

The Myasthenia Alliance Australia Requests Your MG Story for Research! 

The “Myasthenia Gravis Patient Reported Outcome Survey” Research Project is now ready for patient input! Please take the time to tell of your experiences with the available range of Myasthenia Gravis treatments and also indicate if there are any resultant issues which have required additional medical attention.

This significant, highly professional and exclusively Australian research project aims to give

MGAQ AGM – Sunday, 12 September 10.00am sharp

Aspley Hornet's Football Club, 50 Graham Road, Carseldine

Attend AGM either in Person or Via Zoom – Your choice!

As our Annual General Meeting will practise Social Distancing, RSVP is essential by Wednesday, 8 September 2021.

30 {Aug}


The Podcast team require your help.

What is the special little thing you do to help yourself in doing an activity you enjoy on a day your symptoms are playing up?

If you would like to share your special hint, please email

30 {Aug}


I am so excited to share with you that the On-Line Survey Project has made significant progress in the past month. The survey is drafted, the technology is ready for testing, the advertising materials have been prepared and the ethics application has been submitted. Now we wait!

Please - don’t stop reading …. don’t disengage ….. don’t think this isn’t for you ……don’t think that you won’t have time!

All financial members should have received their Anniversary Booklet. If you haven’t received yours as yet, phone 1800 802 568 or EMAIL

All financial members should have received their Anniversary Booklet. If you haven’t received yours as yet, phone 1800 802 568 or EMAIL

In 1991 a group of people with a common interest met for coffee.  Their common interest was a relatively unknown medical condition called Myasthenia Gravis. 

When their specialist first told them they had the condition it was always followed by the question “What is that?” 

27 {Jul}


The MGAQ needs more people to nominate to be on our committee.  The amount of work and projects in which we are involved has increased but the number of people currently on our committee are finding it very difficult to keep up the pace and do the best we can for our members.

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